Rancocas State Park
Hainesport, NJ
Rancocas State Park was a park we visited in the fall. I happen to spot signs for it one day when driving to another park and googled it to see if it would be somewhere we'd wanna go. There wasn't a whole lot I found when I first googled it but it didn't sound like a bust.
When Max and I along with a friend of mine made the drive out there, it took us a bit to find the entrance. The entrance was located at the end of dead-end street in a neighborhood. It hardly looked like the entrance of a park. The road was awful. Barely big enough for one car so if another car came in the opposite directions, it was a tight squeeze. Not to mention the potholes! I had to drive super slow so I could navigate around the massive holes and it was almost impossible to move around them!
Eventually, we made it to the parking lot. One of the exciting things about going to a new park is the unexpected. We followed the path up a hill and come upon a dilapidated garage or shed-like structure. The roof had caved so it wasn't a safe idea to go in to explore. Someone had spray-painted the side with an American Flag and a quote. Due to remnants of a post by the water, it almost seems like a boat could have been tied up there.
A few feet beyond the structure was this rather impressive concrete house up on a hill. Most of the home was intact due to the materials used. Graffiti took place of furniture. Broken glasses and trash littered the corners. But, man, I wish I could have seen this house in it's heyday! Large windows offered stunning views of the lake and open wooden area. Based on the layout, it appeared that there was a covered foyer that leads to where a front door would have been. Stepping inside brought us into a pretty big living room with an amazing stone fireplace. Heading through the next doorway leads to a possible bedroom to the left, stairs leading downstairs and a kitchen to the right. The kitchen led to a massive concrete patio which took up the majority of the back of the house.
Giant concrete steps took us down to the lower level. It could have possibly been a courtyard. There was what appeared to be a utility closet that was located almost under the top steps. I guess there was an outdoor patio but it also looks like the two small outer rooms could have been enclosed. Inside was another massive room with a possible workshop to the left and a second room to the right. Since it was on the lower level, there wasn't as much light to fully see everything so we had to rely on flashlights.
After we explored as much as we could, we continued to walk through the woods. Pretty sure we ended up going in circles a few times. But, overall, it was still pretty nice.
Our Stats
Pros: Abandoned house, moderate hike
Cons: No public restroom, the drive to the park may be full of potholes
Max's Recommendation: "The long steps."
My Recommendation: "Be cautious when driving to the parking lot! The road may be a bit rough."
Overall Rating 7/10